Tuesday, February 27, 2024

New Virtual Boy emulator "Red Viper" for 3DS released with full 3D support

ICYMI: [CENTER][ATTACH type="full" width="590px"]422470[/ATTACH][/CENTER]

The Nintendo 3DS is already past its prime, both in life-cycle and its homebrew scene, and while its homebrew scene still continues to be strong to this day, many people have moved away from it and are instead focusing on the Nintendo Switch.

While the 3DS did get its fair share of emulators from previous Nintendo consoles, even up to a Nintendo 64 emulator with...

https://gbatemp.net/threads/new-virtual-boy-emulator-red-viper-for-3ds-released-with-full-3d-support.649481/']Read more[/URL]


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